
Learn with us as we measure natural capital and compliment your institution, charity, or trust’s internal efforts.

Measurement, Verification, and Reporting

Gain insights into verifiable natural capital outcomes starting with carbon.

Carbon Flows

Soil carbon is in constant flow. Work with us to help measure it with the latest methods which track both geospatial and physical aspects of landscape scale projects.


  • We are invested in proving outcomes from landscape scale farming, ranching, and other management that connects to natural capital offset markets. Specific areas of interest include multi species grazing and managed grazing impact on soil carbon, biodiversity, and water availability. Connect with us if you work at the intersection of practice and regenerative agriculture to formalize your understanding of how new approaches can create ecosystem service based value for producers to sell.

  • All our customers and research partners can have the insights that our technology and modeling teams support. We also support decision making for producers consuming soil carbon outcomes data and help researchers access the information they need to guide different approaches to soil carbon sequestration.

  • More methods and models are on the horizon for accurately measuring soil carbon. Stay tuned in to Kateri’s program to stay up to date with this fast evolving world where science meets production & markets.

Soil Carbon: A Proxy for Natural Capital

  • An indicator of soil health: SOC is one way to measure soil’s ability to hold nutrients, water, and support a variety of plant and animal life. This is why today’s financial markets support our efforts to monetize its’ storage in soil.

  • Additionality: Conferring investment to producers that directly supports healthier landscapes where they otherwise might not be economically viable

  • Generate surplus carbon sequestration & profit: Work with us to discover new revenue from carbon farming, “harvests”.

Get In Touch

Contact us today to learn more about how our research services can help you today.