Ranch Advisory
Plan for a brighter future with help from Kateri’s trusted advisors.
How it works
Bring your vision for sustainable profits from ranching to fruition with experts planning augmented with analytics.
Balancing Production and Ecology
We work with renowned experts with regional specializations in restoring ecological functioning to achieve balance between production and soil health.
Kateri advisors advocate for a variety of managed grazing approaches that all work to hold water, balance nutrients, and sequester carbon.
Typically, in addition to soil sampling and in person visits to discuss the landscape, Kateri advisors offer specific strategies for grazing cycles, forage composition and stocking rate, + water use and distribution.
Leverage new technology to track and monitor the success of these programs as you go!
In most cases, we are working with you to step up the effectiveness of a managed grazing program. This can manifest as using virtual fencing and other animal tracking technology in concert with increasing rotations and guiding their pace using dynamic feedback. We work with regional specialists with expertise in planning for improved total landscape health across ranches. Learn more about our team here!
In order to access carbon payments, an improvement in soil carbon stock must manifest from a baseline level. Sometimes, this means that if you’re already doing a great job managing rotations on pasture, especially in irrigated areas, it can be hard to realize additional carbon sequestration. We encourage all producers to consider our program but acknoledge that payments will be the highest for producers with more recovery and improvement potential in their grazed areas.
We have the ability to invest strategically in all aspects of your operation that will improve the conveyance of carbon. Water infrastructure and perennial seeding among are two amoung many other options can be evaluated for co-investment on a case-buy-case basis.
Managed Grazing Outcomes
Nutrient Cycling: Use grazing animals unique ability to distribute, stimulate, and improve landscape scale functioning.
Water Management: Use forages and exclusions to create riparian specific restoration that slows and stores water even in arid environments.
Integrating Wildlife: Virtual fencing technology and good planning can help wildlife play a more central role in working lands restoration and maintenance.
Stimulate Natural Succession: Grasslands hold massive ecological potential for storing excess water. Re hydrating the landscape requires the combined action of grasses & grazing pressure from either wild or domesticated animals.
Generate Surplus Carbon Sequestration & Profit: Work with us to discover new revenue from carbon farming, harvests.
Get In Touch
Contact us to learn more about how our ranch advisory services can help.