Our Team

  • Ben Veres


    Prior to Kateri, Ben was the Chief Strategy Officer of Vence where we helped bring virtual fencing to more than a million acres of rangeland. When he’s not working on Kateri, Ben can be found in the mountains - he summited Mt. Everest in 2021.

  • Kevin Silverman


    Kevin is a carbon markets expert with deep domain knowledge in protocols and MRV. He oversees Kateri’s product development and R&D. He previously advised on projects spanning livestock, croplands, forestry, and more.

  • Dillon Gruber


    Dillon grew up on a ranch in Montana and has spent his life learning how to grow regenerative agriculture and increase conservation. He previously worked at the TomKat Ranch studying soil health in livestock systems. When he’s not on the ranch, he’s an expert fly-fishing guide.

  • Anna Haight


    Anna previously worked in southwest Montana supporting invasive species management programs, vegetation monitoring, and wildlife habitat improvement projects across rangelands. She’s contributed to research projects applying geographic information systems at the landscape scale to model various species distributions and is excited to extend her GIS knowledge and passion for mapping to the operations team. In her free time you can find Anna backpacking, riding horses, and gardening.

  • Ian Hazelhoff


    Ian has experience developing carbon offset projects in the agriculture/ALM space, as well as stream and wetland mitigation projects for US compliance markets. He has a firm understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks of environmental projects, and has developed relationships with industry groups and policymakers. His early career focused on innovative large-scale ecosystem restoration projects.

  • James Hunt


    James has had a passion for regenerative agriculture and grazing throughout his career. He has worked across the space as an investor, a consultant, and a growth leader since earning his Masters in Sustainable Agriculture from NC State. His interests span crop technologies, livestock, and agroforestry.

  • Tyler KepTrine


    Tyler joins the team with a wealth of experience in AI, ML, and data ops. He contributes to our soil carbon modeling and validation efforts, and builds data products that automate Kateri's key geospatial analytics workflows.

  • Liam Donaher


    Liam is a core team member behind the development of the digital tools used by our ranch partners. His many years of design and programming experience are invaluable in working with our customers to provide the best features for managing their animals and improving their land.

  • Melissa Brandao


    Melissa brings over two decades of experience in the livestock and ag-tech space. She previously led US Sales for Moovement and has founded multiple businesses to help ranchers and farmers maximize their lands potential.

  • Director of R&D

    Kevin Tu


    Kevin has a PhD in ecosystem science with 25+ years R&D experience quantifying carbon, water and energy cycling between the atmosphere, plants and soils. He brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise from a diversity of disciplines to advance the science behind regenerative land stewardship, from plant physiology and soil biogeochemistry to micrometeorology and remote sensing. His innovations are used by NASA to Big Ag, with proven outcomes of scalability, reliability and cost-savings.

  • Marshall Whorley


    Marhall’s passion and interest in agriculture started with his grandfather, a rancher and local livestock auction operator. He attended school at Texas A&M University & completed TCU’s Ranch Management Program. Marshall has managed ranches throughout Texas and Oklahoma with an emphasis on a sustainable production model. He bring boots on the ground experience throughout the diverse regions of Texas. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his family and working farm animals.

Ranch Advisors

  • Dry region ranching can restore arid lands apes to make the best use of what water is available by increasing soil health and natural capital reserves.

    Alejandro Carrillo

    Alejandro is a 4th gen rancher from Mexico. He has been advising dry region ranches for 20 years. He is a delegate to the United Nations.

  • anaging the whole gives better results and fewer unexpected problems. Many publications today are filled with gloomy forecasts about agriculture and the environment. Yet, there are few who offer realistic solutions that strengthen our natural capital

    Kirk Gadzia

    Kirk has been with Holistic Management Institute for over 25 years. He’s the author of Rangeland Health and advises the largest US ranches.

  • Matt Ricketts

    Matt has been with the NRCS since 1980 and has been advising ranches across the US for over 40 years. He has help conduct a number of university studies on grazing systems.

  • Anna Clare Monlezun, Ph.D

    Anna Clare is a rancher and Rangeland Ecosystem Scientist based in Colorado’s high country. A published writer, public speaker, and educator, she's conducted field research and advised ranchers and landowners across the U.S. on regenerative management and long-term sustainability through an agroecological framework.

  • Enrique Guerrero

    Enrique has first-hand experience ranching to restore highly degraded land in Texas and Mexico. His work has proved that strategic grazing and holistic management can bring back ecosystems from the point of failure including from drought, desertification, and invasive species.

  • Jim Gerrish

    Jim Gerrish is an independent grazing lands consultant providing service to farmers and ranchers on both private and public lands across the US and internationally. He has worked with numerous ranchers using both irrigated pastures and native rangeland as well as working with livestock farmers in high natural rainfall environments.


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